
Wednesday 7 January 2015

Rethinking Pedagogy for the Digital Age

Changing Paradigms in Education

Let's begin by defining "to teach". provide the following definitions:
1.  impart knowledge to or instruct someone how to do something.
2.  give information about or instruction in (a subject or skill).

Oh dear!  If this is the definition, then we're all potentially redundant!  A teacher cannot be a source of knowledge and instruction - everything anyone needs to know (and more) is available on the Internet.  I fully accept that our roles need to change.  Teaching needs to respond to the new needs of the millennial generation, who are growing up in a digital world.  This is why I have begun my journey to see how new technologies can be incorporated into my practice in ways that ADD VALUE to the learning experience.

My inspiration

This talk by Sir Ken Robinson started to get me thinking about the way we educate.  This was my starting point, and the reason I have embarked on my techno-journey.

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